FLARE's Livelihoods and Well-being tool (LivWell)
The LivWell tool consists of a survey instrument, a data visualization and analyses platform, and user manuals for organizations and enumerators.The survey and manuals can be accessed here: http://www.forestlivelihoods.org/resources/livwell/
This platform allows users to visualize and analyze household data on demographics, income and expenditure, assets, credit and savings, household shocks and impacts, forest information, health and nutrition, and forest governance.
The platform includes data from a series of existing datasets that you can explore and compare to your own data (if applicable). The platform currently includes data from Ethiopia and Tanzania (panel data), Ghana and Indonesia (cross sectional)..
If you have collected your own data using the LivWell survey,please contact the LivWell team to get your data uploaded to the visualization and analysis platform. Send an email to livwell.help@gmail.com.Please allow 1 week for a response
Contact us
FLARE Network Secretariat, School for Environment and Sustainability, University of Michigan, 440 Church Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, Email:flare.network@umich.edu